Point Cloud Cropping Tools for AutoCAD


A set of tools, which extends AutoCAD standard point cloud cropping functions. AutoCAD has only three cropping functions - rectangular, polygonal and circular crops. These functions are not able to work with locked point clouds. Also it is not possible to zoom viewport during using these functions, as crop boundaries will be irrelevant. This plugin is intended for everyone, who works with point clouds in AutoCAD and want to make work more comfortable.

Main features

  • Advanced cropping tools (horizontal and vertical sections, buffer, sphere, plane)
  • Easy locking/unlocking the pointcloud
  • Cropping of locked clouds
  • Precise point cloud cropping
  • Work with multiple point clouds simultaneously

General Usage Instructions

The plugin doesn't have its own tab on the ribbon. It is activated on Point Cloud contextual tab when you select point cloud.

After selecting the point cloud following cropping methods are available:

  • Rectangular crop - specify two corners of the rectangle and select which area you want to have (Inside or Outside).
  • Polygonal crop - specify a polygon over your point cloud and select which area you want to have (Inside or Outside).
  • Circular crop - specify center and radius of a circle and select which area you want to have (Inside or Outside).
  • Sphere crop - specify a point on the cloud (point cloud snapping will be activated automatically) and a radius of the sphere. All points outside of the sphere will be hidden with the crop.
  • Plane crop - specify three points on the plane and distance. All points within the specified distance from the plane will be hidden.
  • Buffer crop - specify a polyline and a size of the buffer. All points outside of the buffer will be hidden.
  • Horizontal slice - specify the height level and slice thickness. Thin stripe with specified thickness will be extracted from the point cloud. Optionally program will ask if you want to make an additional 10x slice. Both slices will be saved as point cloud crop states.
  • Vertical slice - specify left and right sides of the section, section depth, and select if you want to have section projection. The thin slice of the vertical section will be extracted. Local UCS for section view will be added. Both (sectional and projection) point cloud crop states will be saved.
  • Uncrop All - uncrop all cloud.
  • Uncrop last - uncrop cloud to previous crop state.
  • Lock - lock point cloud position.
  • Unlock - unlock point cloud position.


Sphere Crop


Deleting cropstate



Command name Description
Rectangular crop Normal rectangular crop. Similar to standard AutoCAD cropping command, but able to crop locked point clouds. Also allows precise cropping - crop shape don't change while zooming.
Polygon crop Normal polygonal crop. Similar to standard AutoCAD cropping command, but able to crop locked point clouds. Also allows precise cropping - crop shape don't change while zooming.
Circle crop Normal circular crop. Similar to standard AutoCAD cropping command, but able to crop locked point clouds. Also allows precise cropping - crop shape don't change while zooming.
Sphere crop Useful when you need to separate some elements in a dense point cloud. Specify the center of the sphere and it's radius to crop everything inside of the sphere. Point cloud snapping is enabled automatically for such cropping.
Plane crop Specify three points on the flat surface and thickness. Programm will crop the point cloud arounf this surface.
Horizontal slice Fast way to slice the point cloud for floorplan drawing. Specify horizontal level for slice and it's thickness for quick slice. Point cloud cropstate is saved automatically.
Vertical slice Fast way to slice the point cloud for section drawing. Specify section position with two points and section name. Program will save two cropstates - one for slice line and another for section projection. Section UCS for comfortable drawing will also be saved automatically.
Buffer crop Specify buffer line and it's thickness to crop everything within specified buffer around the line.
Uncrop all Similar to standard "Uncrop all" command, but able to work with locked point clouds.
Uncrop last Similar to standard "Uncrop last" command, but able to work with locked point clouds.
Lock point cloud Quick locking of point cloud
Unlock point cloud Quick unlocking of point cloud

Privacy policy:

This app doesn't collect any user data and doesn't share it with third parties.


Simply run the installer and give it admin rights if it asks about it.

Trial description:

You can download the program for free and use it for 15 days in trial mode. If you like it, you can buy the license for and unlock the software for unlimited use. Please, specify your e-mail and license code in your payment details.


Company Name: Denys Gorkovchuk

Company URL: http://gorkovchuk.com

Support Contact: d.gorkovchuk@gmail.com

Author/Company Information

Denys Gorkovchuk

Support Information

Write me d.gorkovchuk@gmail.com

Version History

Version number Version description
1.0 Initial release.
1.01 Updated international commands to work properly in AutoCAD languages different from English.
1.02 New feature - fast deleting of point cloud crop states.
1.03 Fixing small errors in registration window.